
'분류 전체보기'에 해당되는 글 7건

  1. 2023.11.09 초등학생 화상 영어 특별 프로모션 1
  2. 2012.03.23 글로벌 잉글리쉬 온라인
  3. 2012.03.23 Welcome Students
  4. 2012.03.22 매니저의 인사말
  5. 2012.03.22 영어 수업 강의 신청 방법
  6. 2012.03.20 Lesson Materials
  7. 2012.02.14 Our Teachers

초등학생 화상 영어 특별 프로모션

Global English 2023. 11. 9. 20:36 Posted by 멜번초이


자녀에게 영어를 가르칠 수 있는 매력적이고 효과적인 방법을 찾고 계십니까?

더 이상 찾지 마세요!

저희의 온라인 화상 수업은 영어 실력을 재미있고 상호작용적인 방법으로 개발하고자 하는 어린 한국인 학생들을 위해 특별히 고안되었습니다.

저희 프로그램이 제공하는 것은 다음과 같습니다.

연령에 맞는 내용

다양한 연령층을 만족시키는 것의 중요성을 이해하고 있습니다. 다양한 연령층의 요구를 만족시킬 수 있도록 수업을 설계하여 자녀에게 교육적이고 즐거운 내용을 제공합니다.

어휘와 문법

우리는 어휘와 문법의 강한 기초를 쌓는 것에 중점을 둡니다. 우리의 비디오 수업을 통해서, 아이들은 그들이 일상 대화에서 사용할 수 있는 필수적인 단어, 구, 문장 구조를 배울 것입니다.

발음 연습

정확한 발음은 효과적인 의사소통을 위해 중요합니다. 우리의 수업은 아이들이 어릴 때부터 명확하고 정확한 영어 발음을 발달시킬 수 있도록 도와주는 발음 연습과 훈련을 포함합니다.

상호 작용 활동

퀴즈, 게임, 역할극 등 상호 작용 활동을 통해 학습이 강화되며, 이러한 활동은 적극적인 참여를 유도하고 아이들이 배운 내용을 실제적인 맥락에서 적용할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.

유경험자 및 유자격 강사

저희 선생님들은 어린 학습자들에게 영어를 가르치는 경험이 풍부하며 아이들이 자신의 언어 능력을 잘 발휘할 수 있도록 긍정적이고 창의적인 학습 환경을 조성하는 데 열정을 가지고 있습니다.

편리하고 유연한 교육 시스템

당사의 온라인 플랫폼은 여러분 자신만의 속도와 편리함으로 영어를 배울 수 있습니다. 출퇴근이나 정해진 스케줄에 대해 걱정할 필요가 없습니다. 여러분에게 가장 적합한 장소에서 언제든지 로그인만 하면 됩니다. 우리는 진정으로 사용자 친화적인 스카이프와 카카오톡을 사용합니다.

수강료(월 20회 이상 월~금)

  • 30분 - 6만원(월)
  • 60분 - 120,000원 (월)

🎉 문의 방법 🎉

  • 카카오톡 친구 추가 후 문의 주세요.
  • 친구추가방법 : 친구추가 -> ID로 추가 -> globalenglishkr 입력


초등학생 특별 프로모션

3개월(180,000원) 수강 시 1개월 추가(무료) 수강이 가능합니다.

아이가 영어를 배울 수 있는 절호의 찬스를 놓치지 마세요!


'Global English' 카테고리의 다른 글

Welcome Students  (0) 2012.03.23

글로벌 잉글리쉬 온라인

글로벌잉글리쉬 2012. 3. 23. 23:27 Posted by 멜번초이


Welcome To Global English!

The easiest and most practical way to study English in the convenience of your homes.


SKYPE- ross.garela
Kakao - globalenglishkr



















































Welcome Students

Global English 2012. 3. 23. 23:24 Posted by 로즈샘

Global English Online
Learn the language the world wants to speak!

Global English is a home-based online English Language Teaching platform in the Philippines. This incorporates the teaching-learning strategies using computer, webcamera, headset and microphones. (Web camera is optional) 

Why study with us?

1.No need to wake up early to go to an English academy.

2. No need for busy businessmen to go out from their office to study in an academy.

3. No need for housewives to feel bored since they can study at home.

4. No need for them to go out of their respective countries to study abroad.

5. Parents are assured that their children are studying since they can watch them study at home. (can even listen to the teacher-student conversation using loud speaker)

6.The teachers are Educational English majors with teaching experiences, friendly, patient and approachable.

7.No need to purchase expensive books since computer files are given FREE.

8. Global English offers the most AFFORDABLE fee.

'Global English' 카테고리의 다른 글

초등학생 화상 영어 특별 프로모션  (1) 2023.11.09

매니저의 인사말

매니저 인사말 2012. 3. 22. 12:46 Posted by 멜번초이

Hi ..

I'm Teacher-Manager Ross of Global English Online. I am a Filipina who leads a team of English educators online. Global English was founded in 2008. Our main goal is to provide our students the cheapest and most practical yet very effective way of learning English. 


영어 수업 강의 신청 방법

수강신청방법 2012. 3. 22. 10:19 Posted by 멜번초이

How to apply for English class lectures

1.Download and install the skype program from
    Or, if you are using a smartphone, download the Skype app from the App Store or Market.

2. Sign up for a free membership.
3. Find ross.garela using the add friend function in skype messenger.
4. Get a free level test and set a lecture time.  

How to find and add friends in Skype

1.Click the Add Contact button
2. Enter ross.garela, the ID of a local teacher in the Philippines
3. Click the Search button
4. Select the searched ross teacher and click the Add Skype Contact button
5. Select the added ross teacher and chat or conversation

English lessons and tuition payment method

When the teacher tells the class starts, you can deposit the fee into your bank account. It does not cost foreign currency transfer fees because it is deposited into a domestic bank. I think the
tuition fee is  probably the lowest price in Korea.

30 minutes a day every day (Monday to Friday) per month-Tuition 60,000 won
for 60 minutes each day (Monday through Friday) per month-Tuition 120,000 won

lessons is that it is possible to do 6:00 to 1:00 You can negotiate well with the manager.

▲ Teacher Ross' enthusiasm in class 







Use Cases

Internet video English lectures are a great way for people who are busy and unable to attend a distance school.
In addition, I think that this English lesson using Skype will be a breakthrough way to speak English well even in mountainous and rural areas. 
If you have a smartphone, you can receive English classes directly on your phone, so it is an advantage that you are not limited to places. 

Lesson Materials

수업 교재 2012. 3. 20. 13:28 Posted by 로즈샘

Textbooks used in classes by student level are provided in PDF or JPG format. Usually, you should be able to download it before class starts.

Aim High 1
Aim High 2
Aim High 3

Basic English Grammar

Book 12

Bricks Reading 2

Building Vocabulary Skills and Strategies

Business English
Business Focus
Business Venture
Business Vocabulary In Use (Campbridge)

Can You Believe It 1
Can You Believe It 2
Can You Believe It 3

Communicating in Business English

Concepts for Today

Conversation In Action (Let's Talk)

Conversational English For Beginners

Conversation Starter

ELI Picture Dictionary

English For Business

English Grammar (Intermediate)

English Expressions

English Time

English Idioms In Use

Everyday Technical English

Exploring English 1
Exploring English 2

Exploring Non-Fiction Time for Kids A
Exploring Non-Fiction Time for Kids B
Exploring Non-Fiction Time for Kids C

Express Yourself 1
Express Yourself 2

Fun English Training 1
Fun English Training 2
Fun English Training3
Fun English Training 4
Fun English Training 5
Fun English Training 6
Fun English Training 7
Fun English Training 8

Grammar Practice for Elementary Student (Longman)

Grammar Spectrum 1
Grammar Spectrum 2

Grammar Time

Go Go Loves English 1
Go Go Loves English 2
Go Go Loves English 3
Go Go Loves English 4

Happy street

Harcourt Science 2

Illustrated American Idioms

Impact Issues

Let's Go 1
Let's Go 2
Let's Go 3
Let's Go 4

Korean Elementary Vocabulary

Mentor Book 2
Mentor Book 3

More Fun with English

My Book of Simple Sentences (Ages 5-7)

New English File (Elementary)

New Interchange 1
New Interchange 2
Interchange (Third Edition)

More Fun With English

Murphy English Grammar In Use

Open House (Norman Whitney)

Open To Debate

Person to Person (Third Edition)

Phonics and Reading (Ages 5-7)

Picture Discussion (For Upper Primary Level)
Picture Dictionary (Longman)

Reading Advantage 1
Reading Advantage 2

Reading Challenge 1
Reading Challenge 2
Reading Challenge 3

Reading Comprehension Boosters (Grades 3-5)

Real Reading 3 (Campbridge)

Reading Skills

Round-Up 1
Round-Up 2
Round – Up 3
Round – Up 4
Round – Up 5
Round – Up 6

Side by Side 1 Side by Side 2 Side by Side 3 Side by Side 4 (Third Edition) Small Group Discussions (advanced) Smart Phonics 1 Smart Phonics 2 Smart Phonics 3 Smart Phonics 4 Smart Phonics 5 Superkids 1 Superkids 2 Superkids 3 Teen Talk 1 Teen Talk 2 Tell Me English 2 Tell Me English 3 Tell Me English 4 

Talk Talk Talk 1
Talk Talk Talk 2

Treasures (Grade 2)

What Do You Think 1

600 Essential Words for the TOEIC

Our Teachers

선생님들 소개 2012. 2. 14. 23:31 Posted by 멜번초이



MEET OUR Teachers !

Our team is consist of qualified English tutors from the Philippines.


Each tutor goes through a training program when they join our team. Most of them are private and public school teachers who have the passion and qualifications to teach English. The Language the world wants to speak!


Teacher Ross (Manager)

Bachelor In Secondary Education    

Major: English    

English Teacher since 2005

Kakao ID: globalenglishkr

Skype ID: ross.garela


  Teacher Anne

    Bachelor In Secondary Education 
    Online English teacher since 2008


 Teacher Jackie  

     Bachelor in  Elementary Education
     English teacher since 2009  


  Teacher Netch

  Bachelor of Secondary Education
      Major: Biological Sciences


  Teacher Hedda

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Teacher Analiza

Bachelor in Secondary Education
A public school teacher.

An online 
English teacher since 2010


 Teacher  Eda

 Bachelor in Secondary Education 

 A public school teacher  



Teacher Vanessa

Bachelor in Elementary Education 


Teacher Chen

Bachelor in Secondary Education
                Online English teacher since 2010


Teacher Charlotte

 Bachelor in Elementary Education 




Teacher Jastine  

Bachelor of Science in International Relations